Spinning New Dreams

Yesterday evening I added a new project to my adventures…

You might have guessed it from the title.

I bought a spinning wheel.


I had been thinking about wanting a spinning wheel for years now.

Sort of quietly, occasionally watching you-tube “How To…” videos.

So when this gem of an antique popped up on my craigslist in working condition, It was hard to pass up.

So I didn’t pass it.  I called my husband and did a little plea and him being the man he is told me I could get it.

Thanks babe ❤

So I brought it home.  My new toy is a 1860s hand spinning wheel.  Build out of Maple, Oak and the now extinct American Chestnut.

I love having this beautiful piece of American History.

I keep looking at it, wondering what stories it could tell me about the past.

It was built during the Civil War.

I can’t help but wonder if it helped make uniforms.

Who’s side did it “fight” for?

Was grey or blue wool spun on it’s wheel?

 Or maybe this peaceful antique avoided war duties.  Instead working at the hands of a mother with many children.  Spinning wool for socks, coats or hats for all the little children.

Maybe this wheel has taught others to spin as It will be teaching me over 150 years later.  I’d love to think that a little girl learned to spin on this same wheel back in it’s new days the same way I’ll be learning this year 2018.

I may never know the history of this wheel, But I do plan on spending my time with it imagining what it could have achieved at the hands of a skilled spinner from the 1860s to now.

Kit and Spinning Wheel

Preparing for chicken testing by the PA 4-H rules


With the past year came a lot of change to the poultry world. Here in Pennsylvania we didn’t get to show poultry in 2015 due to the outbreak of Avian Influenza. So, of course, when we found out we were getting to show in 2016 everyone was very excited! Then we found out the new rules for showing poultry. Man, was that ever a change. What we normally did was take only the birds we were showing to our local fair to get tested. This year, the poultry testers had to come to our house and test ALL the chickens, up to 30 at least. I myself have over 30 birds on the property. Drawling blood from 30 birds was no easy task. Below are some simple tips to make bird testing easier for you, no matter where you are from.


Have Helpers

 The people testing your birds are not going to want to have to chase a dozen or more birds around your property. Even if you don’t have the birds all free range, it’s helpful to have someone holding the next bird or two which are going to need tested.


Have The Show Birds Picked Out

 Don’t wait until the last minute to be picking out what birds you are going to want to take to the show with you. With the time restraint you won’t be picking your nicest birds. If you are a beginner this is extra important to remember. Someone with experience might be able to quickly pick the best bird out of 5 or so decently quickly, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to. Even after all my years in poultry, dozens of judging clinics and judging competitions, I still find it extremely stressful to pick out my best broiler birds, even if it is days in advance!


Have all the birds that you want tested in a confined area

 This probably goes without saying, but make sure every bird (up to 30) is in an easily accessible area. It will take so much time out of the process of testing birds!


Make sure your chicken area looks extra nice

 You probably put a lot of time into building your coops and taking care of your chickens. Always make sure everything looks extra nice when your poultry testers come around! This may be their first impression of your chicken business so make sure it’s a good one!


I really hope these tips help you out when you are testing your flock this year for show season! 4-H kids, remember to be working on those books and your chickens (and other animals you might have)

Good luck this Fair Season and let me know if these tips helped you out!


Stellar Homestead


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Welcome to Stellar Homestead!

Hello!  Welcome to the Stellar Homestead blog page.

Even though this is a small homestead we still have a lot going on!  We have lots of animals and we are working on expanding the space we have to work on.  The goal each year is to improve and expand!  A lot of what you will see if information on the animals, farmers market, general homesteading life and of course fun topics.  You are getting a unique view of homesteading from a 17-year-old girl (the writer) who has grown up with a love and passion for doing things “different” while still trying to remain with the traditional ways that are proven to work.  There is going to be a lot of experimenting with old traditional ways along with new ideas and of course my own ideas.  I have become my own person growing up in this life (which I chose myself from a younge age)

I really hope you will join me on this adventure into adulthood, figuring out the path I want to take and of course the life of a teenager homesteader!